6 Simple Ways to Bring Joy to Your Home

What makes a home feel joyful? The answer is different for everyone, but the general idea is the same: creating a space where you feel most comfortable and relaxed, can enjoy life, and where you’re surrounded by the ones you love.

But the way you design your space and the décor you surround yourself with can also contribute to the happiness you feel at home—and if you’re hoping to boost your mood at home this new year, it doesn’t require a full remodel.

These small updates and tweaks can turn your space into a source of pleasure and comfort. And after all, isn’t that what home is for?


Bring in Fresh Flowers

Whether in the dead of winter or the height of summer, bringing fresh flowers into your home is a nice, simple way to add color and a touch of nature to any space. Whether you grab yourself a bouquet of simple tulips in spring or order a colorful arrangement in January, fresh flowers can perk up a bedroom, living room, dining room, or even a bathroom in no time.


Carve Out Space for Hobbies

Your home should also be a space where you can partake in your favorite hobbies, no matter what those are. If you’re an avid reader, make sure you have a designated reading corner (or even a mini library, depending on the size of your space). Love music? Turn a section of your living room into somewhere you can listen to records or play an instrument.


Bring the Outdoors In

Nature can have a calming, soothing affect on us, and bringing the outdoors in—any way you can—is a great way to add some joy to your space. Take advantage of a large, picture window and arrange seating in a way that allows you to take in the views.


Incorporate Meaningful Touches

Personal mementos and things that you’ve accumulated throughout your life can be incorporated into your space in a meaningful way. Display your favorite photographs on a wall where you can look at them every day. Or finally find a spot for that colorful rug you picked up on your last vacation.


Keep Things Cozy

Our homes are a respite from the rest of the world, so making it as comfortable and cozy as possible is important. It’s worth it to invest in comfortable sheets, pillows, and a good mattress so you can guarantee a good night’s sleep, but comfort also goes beyond how things feel physically. Creating a relaxing bedroom or other space with soothing colors that can be somewhere you go to get away from it all and truly feel peaceful can go a long way.

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